Noor Featured in New Children’s Book by British-Bangladeshi Author Burhana Islam
Puffin Books, the longstanding children’s imprint of the British publishers Penguin Books, has recently published a new book by British-Bangladeshi author and secondary school teacher Burhana Islam.
The book, titled “Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World,” honors many important (and often unacknowledged) Muslim personages and includes a feature on Noor Inayat Khan’s wartime contributions. In a recent article in The Independent, Burhana described her intention for this wonderful debut was to “challenge stereotypes, inspire people and be part of the movement that allows marginalised groups to take back their own narrative.” Written with the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students in mind, “Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World” is dedicated “to all the children [she] ever taught and the child [she] once was.”
The Independent
Penguin Books