Noor Commemorated with Blue Plaque

Noor received a very special honor this week with a presentation of a Blue Plaque. Per the Londonist:

“The plaque can be seen on the front of 4 Taviton Street, her family home where she lived until 1943, when she travelled to Nazi-occupied France to work as an undercover radio operator — the first woman to do so. She was killed at Dachau concentration camp the next year, aged just 30, having not given away any secrets to her captors. In 1949, Khan was posthumously awarded the George Cross for her bravery, and is now recognised as Britain’s first Muslim war heroine in Europe.”

To learn more about this recognition of Noor’s bravery and valor, please see a variety of links below including a Facebook Live interview with her nephew, Zia Inayat Khan.

Facebook Live Interview w/ Pir Zia

English Heritage


New World


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